Oregonian Obituary for Molly Elaine (Fleetwood) Rodway

 Molly's obituary went live today, it can be found here: Molly Elaine (Fleetwood) Rodway obituary  https://obits.oregonlive.com/obituaries/oregon/obituary.aspx?n=molly-elaine-rodway-fleetwood&pid=197680145

In lieu of flowers, we chose local animal shelter Pixie Project for donations in Molly's memory: pixieproject.org/donate  Pixie Project not only shelters all animals regardless of their needs, but also helps underserved communities and low income pet owners care for their pets. Molly loved animals, we think this is a beautiful way to honor her memory.

A Memorial dedication/celebration in honor of Molly will take place this coming summer 2021 in Wilshire Park, in Portland - I will update this website with information when we are able to plan and set a date for this event. Hopefully I can find a way to stream some of it online for those who can't attend in person. Check back here for details or email Sarah anytime: serafaery@yahoo.com or mollyerodway@gmail.com <3

I have so many more wonderful photos and memories to share, here are just a couple from a recent photo album find:  

Easter, mom and I, probably 1994?

Molly with rescued kittens Chaplain and either Nip or Tuck, and probably nephew Kevin, 1995? Chaplain became a renowned "piano cat" for many, many years!


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