Molly Elaine Rodway, 1942-2021

Molly Elaine Rodway (née Fleetwood) passed away peacefully, January 19th 2021 at 4:45pm, surrounded in love. Her two children, Shawn and Sarah Jurgensen were present. We were with her for her last 24 hours, holding hands, embracing, sharing stories and blessings and prayers, and listening to music while she so gently faded. 

Please email for an invitation to an online Celebration of Life in February and for info about a memorial service at Wilshire Park in the spring, and for donation options in the coming weeks. We would love to hear your stories and experiences, and anything you would like to share with us about your memories of our beloved Molly.


Thank you. We are all made of stars. ❤                                       ~Sarah



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In Memory of Molly Elaine Rodway (née Fleetwood) 1942-2021
